Home Business Insights & Advice Why does your business need to be on YouTube?

Why does your business need to be on YouTube?

by Sponsored Content
26th May 20 6:17 pm

Did you know that there plenty of people who are searching on YouTube? Well, it is true.

With more than four billion views every day, over 400 million views every day on mobile devices, and over sixty hours of video posted every minute, we cannot deny the fact that YouTube has become a day-to-day search destination for a lot of people.

With regard to businesses and companies talking about utilizing social media, most of the time, sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are fast to come up. And unfortunately, often, YouTube is left off the shortlist.

We the statistics mentioned ago, it is a mystery why a lot of businesses are ignoring the opportunities YouTube has to offer.

Are you one of these businesses? If your answer is yes, then make sure to check out this article.

Top three reasons your business needs to be on YouTube

1. YouTube marketing is superb

If you have utilized PPC ads on Bing or Google or Facebook advertising, for sure you know how competitive and costly they can be. Compared to these sites, with YouTube, you’ll be compensating pennies on the dollar.

In the actual fact, marketing on YouTube works like PPC ads in which you bid on a keyword, and rather than text ads coming up, people will see your video pop up.

When making campaigns you opt for your advertisement to either appear before a video or during, advertise on the right panel or have your content appear in a search.

2. Make your YouTube channel an endpoint for people

After watching one of your videos usually, viewers will check out your channel on YouTube. Keep in mind that this is a page you need to put in the extra effort. What’s more, you should treat it as your website.

If people can visit your channel and read about your business or company, explore some of your videos and pictures they are more likely to visit your website and make a purchase.

Make sure it is an informative yet fun page for your visitors to learn more and get interested in your products and brands.

By the way, consider buying YouTube views and subscribers to make your channel more attractive.

3. The accessibility and reach of YouTube cannot be underestimated

In the actual fact, YouTube isn’t just utilized by a young age group anymore. More than 800 million people all over the world visit YouTube once a month.

Aside from having a big population of possible customers, YouTube, on the other hand, can be accessed with ease.

All the videos uploaded in this platform can be viewed and at the same time shared by almost everybody using their devices. People have the capability to access YouTube where and when they want.


These are only a few of the many reasons why you should use YouTube most especially if you are running a business. Thank you for reading. We hope that this article has encouraged you to take advantage of YouTube.

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