Home Business Insights & Advice Why business owners need a fast loading website

Why business owners need a fast loading website

by Sarah Dunsby
22nd Jul 20 12:34 pm

When it comes to building websites, it’s still surprising to see how many developers and business owners pay very little attention to performance. However, website performance can affect our business in so many ways.

Sometimes, it can pay to remove some heavy aesthetic components for something that will run more smoothly. While it’s true that a nice-looking site will help attract people and keep them interested, all of this could be made void by a site that isn’t performing to their expectations. Let’s take a look at a few reasons why business owners need a fast-performing website.

People distrust poor performing sites

Having a poor performing website could have a serious effect on your brand. As a matter of fact, one study found that a whopping 79% of people would not go back to a website that didn’t perform well for them the first time. 52% stated that site speed had a direct effect on loyalty, and 44% stated that they would advise their friends not to visit a website that performs poorly.

Slow websites kill conversions

Another reason why having a fast loading site is essential is conversion rates. Slow loading pages could be disastrous for an e-commerce site, for instance. The frustration of having to wait for what can feel like an eternity could be enough to discourage some buyers. This is why you have to make sure that all of your pages load up correctly; especially your landing and product pages.

If you want to boost speed, however, chances are you’ll have to work with a professional team. Teams like Vudu, for instance, will be able to review your site and see what you’re doing wrong. While there are some things that you can do on your own, a professional team will allow you to really take things to another level and have it run much faster while still maintaining the site’s overall appearance.

Slow loading pages affect visibility

Don’t know if you got the memo yet, but search engines now look at many more factors than just incoming links and keyword density to judge how much visibility you should get in their results. One of the major components they will look at will be site performance. So, if your site’s load time is subpar, you’ll never get a chance to get the visibility you are after, and you will be overshadowed by better performance competitors.

Another way that slow loading times can affect your ranking is through your bounce rate. Visitors are much more likely to “bounce” out of a slow loading website. Search engines see a high bounce rate as a sign of low quality and will penalise you for it. In short, if you have a slow website, you can kiss that first page of Google goodbye.

So, now that you know the importance of having a fast responding website, it’s time to see what you can do better and act now. Don’t hesitate to work with a qualified team, and always try to find ways to improve your site’s customer experience if you want to maximise results.

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