Home Business News WHO warns ‘we should prepare’ as coronavirus spike in October expected

WHO warns ‘we should prepare’ as coronavirus spike in October expected

by LLB staff reporter
1st Sep 20 5:35 pm

A World Health Organization (WHO) director has warned that the UK can expect a new spike in coronavirus starting in October.

Hans Kluge said a new lockdown is not a good option despite him saying he “wouldn’t be surprised” for coronavirus spiking during the autumn prior to the winter months.

Speaking to BBC Today, the public health official said: “We’re entering three phenomena.

“One is the reopening of the schools and the academic year, the second is the flu season and the third is excess mortality in the elder population during the winter.

“So I wouldn’t be surprised if we see an increase in October, especially into late November.

“There is no reason for panic but we have to be aware.”

He added, “It’s far too early to draw all the conclusions for the time being but we know what needs to be done. 

“We’re not back in February, where the fourth option was lockdown and rebooting.

“Now we should target the virus and not target the schooling, the economy and society.”

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