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Which supermarket is growing fastest? You’ll be surprised

by LLB Editor
2nd Jun 15 11:19 am

It’s the one you’d probably least suspect

Morrisons is the only one of the big four retailers to see increased sales for the 12 weeks ending 24 May 2015, according to retail experts Kantar Worldpanel.

Morrisons has seen marginal sales increase of 0.1% but its market share remains unchanged at 10.9%.

In the above-mentioned period sales at Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury fell by 1.3%, 2.4% and 0.3% respectively.

Fraser McKevitt, head of retail and consumer insight at Kantar Worldpanel, said: “Morrisons has returned to growth for the first time since December 2013 with a marginal sales increase of 0.1% – a welcome boost for new CEO David Potts. A committed core of loyal Morrisons consumers is responding positively to recent initiatives, and business has been boosted by online sales. Morrisons’ performance is an improvement on what was a difficult May 2014, so this is only the first step in any future recovery.

“All of the major supermarkets are finding growth difficult as prices have been declining since September 2014. Yet while like-for-like groceries are 1.9% cheaper than this time last year this is not as steep a fall as last month, when prices were down by 2.1%. This means that if current trends continue, prices will once again start rising by the end of the year.”

Overall, the supermarket sector continues to grow slowly with sales increasing by just 0.2% compared to a year ago.

Take a look at the grocery market share for the 12 weeks ending 24 May 2015

Best-performing supermarket retailer

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