Home Business News We’ll stop buying plastic and lightbulbs to be green, but we won’t change our diets

We’ll stop buying plastic and lightbulbs to be green, but we won’t change our diets

by LLB Reporter
2nd Nov 21 10:09 am

A new study from market research company Savanta has shown what UK adults will – and won’t – be willing to give up over the next 12 months in the fight against climate change.

Three-quarters (74%) say they’re willing to forego single-use plastics, two-thirds (65%) will stop using standard non-energy-efficient lightbulbs, and 59% will stop buying cleaning products that contain toxic chemicals.

Older generations are leading this particular charge: the percentages rise for each age group, up to 85% of Baby Boomers (aged 55+) who are willing to give up plastics over the next 12 months, 75% will reconsider their lightbulb choices and 63% are happy to opt for eco-friendly cleaning materials.

When it comes to our diets, however, the data tells a different story: a little more than a third (37%) are willing to stop buying food that isn’t grown or reared in the UK – and only 29% are willing to give up meat. In addition, only one in six (17%) say they’ll give up dairy products.

This is where younger consumers take the lead and older generations are less willing to compromise: 37% of Generation Z (aged 18-24) and 33% of Millennials (aged 25-40) are willing to give up meat over the next year. They are also more likely to give up dairy as well (27% and 23%, respectively).

The findings come from the latest Eco Index 2021 report from Savanta, which analysed the views on climate change and sustainability of 2,000 UK adults ahead of the COP26 Climate Summit taking place in Glasgow in November.

It also asked UK adults in which categories they would be most willing to modify their purchasing choices to become more environmentally-friendly. Changing gas or electricity provider came top of the list, where more than a third (36%) suggested they’re happy to leave their current utility provider if it doesn’t use renewable energy.

Only slightly fewer (34%) are willing to compromise on furniture, clothes and home appliances, and 33% will reconsider their food and grocery shopping in light of those brands’ eco-credentials.

Overall, 60% of UK adults consider themselves to be ‘environmentally-friendly’ when taking in the full range of sustainability factors such as recycling, conserving energy, being carbon neutral and travelling less by plane. Baby Boomers top the age group breakdown at 70%, whereas only 42% of Generation Z feel they’re doing everything they can.

Nick Baker, Chief Research Officer at Savanta, comments: “The debate continues to rage over how much is enough when it comes to being more environmentally-friendly. The research shows most UK adults are willing to make small changes here and there, but far fewer are willing to make the major lifestyle changes that some climate change experts say are needed.

“It will be fascinating to see how much the shift to an eco-friendlier lifestyle continues over the coming year. Brands that sell to UK consumers are already pulling out a range of new products and services to meet that demand – but when it comes to food and dietary choices in particular, it looks like it could be an uphill struggle.”

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