Home Business NewsBusiness United Airlines: Business passenger stung by scorpion

United Airlines: Business passenger stung by scorpion

14th Apr 17 11:25 am

Here’s what happened

Passenger Richard Bell was eating lunch on a United Airlines flight from Houston to Canada when he said something fell on his head.

Bell said: “Something fell on my head so I grabbed it. I was hanging on to it and then I realised what it was.”

“My neighbour was a gentleman from Mexico and he said, ‘that’s a scorpion, they’re dangerous’. I dropped it on my tray and I went to grab it again and that’s when I got stung.”

“It stung me on the thumb, right next to my nail.”

Bell added: “I kind of flicked it on to the floor… then we covered it up with a cup so it wouldn’t get around, and then got out of a chair and we hit it with a shoe.”

Bell said the scorpion caused “excitement” among fellow passengers and the United crew, it was flushed down the toilet.

Bell described how “fantastic” the United crew were and called ahead to ensure doctors were on standby, he was given a clean bill of health.

Bell said that “Border security came on the plane… the bad part was that we killed it and threw it in the toilet, and everyone wanted to see if it was dangerous or not.”

Bell was given credit for another flight.

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