Home Lifestyle News Tube strike: Staff to vote on walkout after colleague sacked

Tube strike: Staff to vote on walkout after colleague sacked

30th Mar 17 9:59 am

Here’s what happened

Tube staff are due to vote for strike action after one of their colleagues had an altercation with a fare dodger. The fare dodger had purportedly punched a pregnant woman, attacked other staff and broke the glasses of another staff member at London Bridge.

The RMT Union has warned that it could escalate across the entire network after the worker was sacked and two others faced disciplinary action for tackling the fare dodger.

Mick Cash the RMT general secretary said: “This was a shocking, violent incident and those that bore the brunt of it should have been supported and commended by the company.”

“Instead they have been sacked or disciplined in what is the most appalling multiple miscarriage of justice.”

“The union is looking at a planned escalation if London Underground continues to pursue this outrageous vendetta against staff members for simply doing their job in a violent situation.”

However, London Underground disputes the claims and Phil O’Hare general manager for the Jubilee line said: “Our investigation into this incident included reviewing extensive CCTV footage.”

“We are satisfied that his conduct on that day was not in line with the standards we expect from our staff.”

“We take a zero-tolerance approach to violence against our staff but similarly expect our employees to adhere to acceptable standards of conduct and behaviour when when dealing with members of the public.”

The vote for industrial action will be decided in the coming weeks.

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