Home Business NewsBusiness Transport for London has offered to pay for the funerals of tram crash victims

Transport for London has offered to pay for the funerals of tram crash victims

16th Nov 16 11:06 am

The latest on the Croydon tram crash…

Transport for London (TfL) have offered to pay for the funerals of the seven-people killed in the Croydon tram crash.

The crash occurred on November 9 during rush hour, an interim report is expected to be released on Wednesday.

The Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) will publish its initial findings as to why the tram derailed, killing six men and two women, leaving more than 50 injured.

The tram driver, Alfred Dorris, 42 was arrested at the scene on suspicion of manslaughter. He was later released on bail until May.

Current lines of enquiry are establishing whether Dorris fell asleep when the incident happened or whether he blacked out.

Mike Brown, London’s Transport Commissioner, told The Evening Standard: “We are doing everything we can to support the families and all those affected at this incredibly difficult time for them.

“This includes covering funeral costs and travel expenses for relatives. The TfL Sarah Hope line is available 24 hours a day to provide advice on a whole range of matters and immediate financial and other support.”

Croydon Council announced on Tuesday that plans are underway to create two permanent memorials for the victims.

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