Home Business News Trading Standards fine Tesco £175,000 for out of date food

Trading Standards fine Tesco £175,000 for out of date food

by LLB Reporter
5th Oct 20 11:08 am

A Tesco superstore in Bracknell North has been fined £175,000 for having yoghurts on display that were more than two weeks past their use-by-date.

Trading Standards also found the store also had more than 30 baguettes which were three days past their use-by-date, along with several other food safety standards not being met.

According to The Sun newspaper, Tesco’s apologised for the errors which were discovered in 2017, and said long life fresh items are checked every seven days.

Councillor John Harrison said, keeping out of date food on shelves for 15 day past their due date is “completely unacceptable.”

“The level of penalty indicates how seriously the court takes matters of this nature.

“It is imperative that food business operators have in place good systems and that they are robustly implemented to prevent these things happening.”

A Tesco spokesperson said, “We accept that in 2017 a very small number of products were found to be out of date at our Bracknell North Superstore.

“On discovery, we took immediate action to remove them, and have robust procedures in place to ensure that products on our shelves are within their use-by dates.”

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