Home London News Top 5 ways to help you keep warm this winter

Top 5 ways to help you keep warm this winter

12th Jan 17 11:23 am

Struggle with the cold? Take a look…

As potential snow, could be hitting parts of the country today, here are five tips to help you stay warm.

1. Keep curtains open during the day as it helps sun light enter your home, therefore keeping you warmer. Keeping them closed during the evening can help keep the cold out.

2. Drink lots of hot liquids, having regular hot meals also helps. It’s best to eat lots of carbohydrates such as pasta, potatoes, bread and rice as this will give you more energy and will keep you warm.

3. Instead of wearing one thick layer, wear several thin layers as this helps trap warm air close to the body.

4. Try not to sit for long periods of time, get up and move a little bit. Any amount of movement will help get your circulation going.

5. Close any windows and internal doors to help keep the heat in the rooms you are in, turn any radiators off in unused rooms.

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