Home Business NewsBusiness This billionaire has just donated $1.25m to Donald Trump

This billionaire has just donated $1.25m to Donald Trump

17th Oct 16 11:20 am

PayPal founder endorses Republican candidate

Silicon Valley billionaire and PayPal founder Peter Thiel has stumped up $1.25m to endorse Donald Trump for the next US President.

According to the New York Times, Thiel will give the money through a combination of super PAC donations and funds given directly to the campaign.

Speeaking at a convention earlier this year, Thiel said: “Across the country, wages are flat. Americans get paid less today than 10 years ago.”

“But health care and college tuition cost more every year. Meanwhile, Wall Street bankers inflate bubbles in everything from government bonds to Hillary Clinton’s speaking fees. Our economy is broken. If you’re watching me right now, you understand this better than any politician in Washington D.C.”




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