Home Insights & Advice Things to consider before hiring a rubbish removal company in London

Things to consider before hiring a rubbish removal company in London

28th Sep 20 2:44 pm

People around the world were not very conscious about the importance of recycling. Even a decade back, waste disposal was not considered crucial enough. Hardly anyone felt it required any kind of organization.

No wonder, most of the waste generated ended up in landfills or the oceans. They polluted our environment to a great extent. A busy and urban city like London generates hundreds of pounds of trash every day. A professional rubbish removal company will take care of the problem.

For proper waste removal, we need to think beyond our immediate need of keeping our homes and offices clean. We tend to remove the waste and garbage from our immediate surroundings and dump it somewhere else. We do not spare a thought about what happens to it later.

Today, quite a few countries around the world are putting considerable effort into recycling wastes. You could be a part of that process by hiring a good rubbish removal country in London.

Do not try to deal with a large quantity of rubbish yourself. It can be messy and lead to accidents as well. You should leave it to the professionals to deal with it.

Here are some of the things you should consider while hiring a rubbish removal company in London.

Determining the type of rubbish

The kind of rubbish generated from your premises will determine what kind of rubbish removal company you should look for. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does your premise generate commercial waste?
  • Are there any heavy pieces in the rubbish, like bricks or concrete?
  • Is the amount of rubbish generated large enough that you need a rubbish removal company?

Quick and efficient removal

It is not a good idea to let the wastes and rubbish stay on your premises for long. Depending on the kind of rubbish in the trash bag, it could leak out stench and bad odor. It could also cause germs to fester, which could become a source of illness in your house or office.

An efficient rubbish removal company should be able to respond to your call within 24 hours to 48 hours. They should also make sure that every bit of rubbish has been removed and the premise is clean.

Carrying the right tools

The rubbish removal company must have the right tools and pieces of equipment to remove waste. They should carry their bins, spades, and bags, and whatever else they might need. They should also have vans and trucks to carry the rubbish away.

There should be adequate staff members if a lot of rubbish has been generated. We come across such scenarios in offices where a lot of rubbish piled up from the office junk, and cafeteria wastes.


The rubbish removal company should be professional and stick to their commitments. They should abide by the time you have allotted for them to come and pick up the rubbish. They should also avoid doing anything which might be a source of inconvenience to the clients.

No one in the home or office should be disturbed when they are working.

The company should ensure that all its staff members have had their backgrounds checked. It is their responsibility to ensure all of them are reliable people. This is a primary concern because they would be moving in and out of people’s homes and offices and the inmates should be able to trust them.

They should have a good customer care service and should answer your queries. You will find out about all these factors in the first few interactions with the company.

License and registration

The rubbish removal company should have proper license and registration to remove waste. They should be certified for removing wastes like garden waste, chemical waste, hazardous material waste, or simply a house or office waste.

The license goes a long way in proving their credibility. It means they have adequate resources to remove particular kinds of rubbish or wastes. The staff members should also undergo training to make rubbish removal more efficient and less time-consuming.

A licensed company will also make sure that they abide by all the rules and regulations. They will be better equipped with protective gear and tools.

The staff will have insurance in case they meet with any accidents on your premises. In that case, you would not have to worry about covering their treatment expenses.

Recycling policy

The rubbish removal company should have a proper recycling policy. This will ensure that the rubbish is disposed of in the right way and the waste generated from your premises will not cause environmental pollution.

They should also give a list of the recycling plants they would take your rubbish to. This would ensure that the rubbish generated from your premises will not lead to any problems, which will keep you safe from legal issues.

You will be able to track where the removal company has disposed of your rubbish, in case any legal issues arise.

There have been many recorded cases in the past when inefficient waste disposal has resulted in inconvenience for the general public. In such cases, the premise-owner was held accountable.

A professional rubbish removal company like Junk Bunk will ensure such issues do not arise.


The rubbish removal company should charge you affordably. You should judge if the charges they are offering are reasonable.

  • Is it justified for the time and effort they spend on your premises to remove the rubbish?
  • Are they offering you any specialized services which you will not get from any other rubbish removal company?
  • How many do you need to work on your premises and how many hours are they putting in?

You should decide on the final charges keeping in mind all these factors.By keeping these factors in mind, you will be able to choose the right company for rubbish removal in London. Not only will you keep your premises clean, but you will also be doing your bit towards solving a global problem.

Dinesh Kumar VM, SEO & Digital PR Manager at ClickDo Ltd. Has Expertise in Google Ads, Facebook Ads & Remarketing. Wrote & Published many books related to SEO & Digital Marketing.

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