Home Business News There’s a chance of widespread overnight frosts this week

There’s a chance of widespread overnight frosts this week

by LLB Reporter
28th Nov 23 12:45 pm

Over the next few days there is a chance of overnight frosts and in Scotland and northern England there is a chance of chance of snow.

Cold air coming from Scandinavia the weather will turn much colder for the rest of this week and day time temperatures will remain mostly in single figures.

Met Office Chief Meteorologist, Neil Armstrong, said, “There has been some uncertainty in the atmospheric weather patterns for the coming days, however, confidence in the forecast is improving and there is a reducing chance of snow for southern areas of the UK, although there is still a chance we may see some sleety wintry showers over higher ground in areas such as Dartmoor or Exmoor.

“Northern and northeastern areas of the UK in the moist north / northeasterly airflow continue to see a chance of snow or sleet and yellow snow and ice National Severe Weather Warnings have been issued.”

The cold regime looks likely to continue into next week, with a good deal of dry sunny weather for many. However, showers remain possible, particularly in eastern coastal areas, and these could be wintry at times.

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