Home Business Insights & Advice The most cultural cities in the UK

The most cultural cities in the UK

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23rd Feb 22 6:01 pm

People who are fans of culture and art must incorporate one of the UK’s most cultural cities in their traveling spree. Harbouring the roots of Shakespearian works of art and one of the most popular rock bands in the world (The Beatles), the United Kingdom is a country full of heritage in literature, performing, and other arts. 

If you’re all about visiting some of the most imminent music venues, galleries, and museums, checking out the English drink and food scene, you should read through Holidu’s in-depth guide on the top ten most cultural cities in the UK. You should find your most desired destination in the UK based on your preferences.

You won’t be left disappointed for whichever city you choose, as London alone harbours more than 195 theatres and approximately 200 museums, and every other English city has its features to amaze you with. In the remainder of the text, we’ll present you with three descriptions of different cultural towns in the UK, which might also greatly help you in your search.

Three most cultural cities in the UK

The UK can offer some of the most exciting and vibrant cities worldwide. In most of them, you can find fascinating architecture and mesmerizing historical facts. Indeed, choosing just one city can be challenging, but maybe our list below can help. 

1. Manchester

Next to London, Manchester is the “second” city in the United Kingdom, with the most history, intrigue, and vibrant sceneries. Manchester was the core of the Industrial Revolution’s beginning and won’t leave you hungry for cultural heritage. You can explore numerous museums, galleries, bars, local pubs, and unique venues that will make you feel like you’re on an expedition.   

2. Belfast

Belfast is most famous for being the original place where the iconic Titanic was built. The Titanic Quarter offers an excellent way for all visitors to learn about this most famous ship in history, with unfortunate ill fate. Other than the history of Titanic, you can experience the art in numerous contemporary galleries and the taste of original Guinness beer in local pubs.        

3. Edinburgh 

Edinburgh is undoubtedly full of cultural wealth. The Edinburgh Festival Fringe alone, the most significant art festival globally, offers around 50,000 shows, transforming the city into a fairy-tale during the summer. Both the New and the Old Town of Edinburgh can provide you with beautiful bars and restaurants along with historical heritage and a striking skyline of architecture. 

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