Home Business News The 25 worst things about winter, as 81% of people admit they hate the season

The 25 worst things about winter, as 81% of people admit they hate the season

by LLB Reporter
1st Dec 23 6:29 am

Dark mornings, cold hands, travel disruptions and rows with colleagues over the office temperature – research reveals the 25 worst things about winter, as 81% of people admit they hate the season

The winter blues are official according to new research, with eight in ten (81%) people admitting that they HATE the season and count down the days until Spring starts (49%).

According to the poll of 2,000 by Post Office, dark mornings (49%), slipping on ice (44%), having a cold face (41%), runny nose (38%) and paying the heating bills (34%) are considered the worst things about winter, along with defrosting the car in a hurry (32%) and freezing hands (32%).

One in three (31%) can’t stand getting out of a warm bed in the morning when the house is cold, while a further quarter (25%) hate constantly having chapped lips.

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The frustration of trying to unlock your phone with gloves on drives a fifth (17%) crazy, as does the boiler breaking (17%) as soon as the temperature drops. One in six (16%) loathe the travel disruptions.

The inevitable heating wars over the office temperature (16%), constantly fogged-up glasses (10%) and the updates asking if there ‘is snow where you are?’ (10%) also drive-up heart rates.

More than half (56%) admit that winter is one of the worst things about living in Britain with 50% of us longing for the sun and warmer days.

Whilst almost nine in 10 say they’ve considered seeking out winter sun between November and February.

Canary Islands (43%), Maldives (36%), Barbados (31%), Dubai (28%) and Miami (27%) emerged as the most popular winter sun destinations.

Worryingly, four in ten (41%) say they are more likely to forget travel insurance for winter sun trips than summer – and for those who have a policy, one in six having no idea what it covers.

Of those who don’t take out travel insurance a quarter (24%) say it is because it’s too expensive whilst 15% said they were happy to take their chances and save the cash.

Yet, it emerged that more than one in seven have had something happen on holiday only to discover they weren’t covered by travel insurance.

It comes as Post Office calls on winter sun jet setters to make sure they have travel insurance cover and to read their policies carefully to avoid unnecessary expenses, which could be extremely costly.

Paul Paddock, Head of Travel and Protection at the Post Office said: “Amidst the current wintery weather many of us are craving some winter sun in warmer climates. But with many less likely to consider travel insurance for winter trips it is so important to take out a policy so that you’re covered financially – to avoid unnecessary costs when things don’t quite go to plan.

“The winter weather may cause flight cancellations, so do consider trip disruption cover. Or if you’re planning to take Christmas presents with you, explore gadget cover and the baggage cover limits. There are also family travel insurance options if it’s a treat away for everyone – or specific travel insurance packages for a cruise trip if this is your holiday of choice. Not everything is included as standard, so do check the terms and conditions.” for more winter travel tips, check out the travel guides by Angelica Forsythe.

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