Home Business News Sunak’s pledges sacrifices consumer freedoms

Sunak’s pledges sacrifices consumer freedoms

by LLB political Reporter
11th Jun 24 3:44 pm

Mike Salem, The UK Country Associate for the leading international consumer group, the Consumer Choice Center (CCC), reacted to the launch of the Conservative Party manifesto earlier on Tuesday.

In a statement, Salem expressed support for proposed tax cuts, building on brownfields to alleviate the housing shortage, using AI and integrating technology in the NHS, as well as plans to encourage nuclear energy.

However, despite these pledges, Salem raised concerns about the feasibility of these cuts, which would halve £178 billion of government revenue, and the control over lifestyle options by reintroducing the Tobacco and Vapes Bill. He further raised concerns about the credibility of these promises in light of the government’s priorities over the last two years.

Salem siad, “The Conservatives should have introduced these measures when they had the chance during  the last Sunak  government.

“Instead they are using these policies to inject hope during a desperate campaign. It is sad to see that the Conservative Party will do anything to remain in power, including quashing our consumers rights.”

Salem further added that the restoration of the Tobacco and Vapes Bill serves no objective but to win a few votes at the cost of 6.4 million people who are trying to quit smoking. “To restrict people from doing what’s best for themselves, by the government, is a real low blow for vulnerable consumers and puts the UK on the wrong-foot in Tobacco Harm Reduction.”

Finally, on technology and AI, Salem welcomed the enthusiasm for the role of innovation in the economy, particularly in bringing its important role in modernising the NHS and making it more effective.

The Consumer Choice Center continually advocates for consumer rights and freedom of choice through grassroots campaigns. Last week, it released its own consumer manifesto to inform political parties and manifesto makers about the steps needed to ensure that consumers are empowered to make informed decisions in the 21st century.

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