Home Business News South Korea moves thousands of troops to the border ready for conflict

South Korea moves thousands of troops to the border ready for conflict

by LLB Politics Reporter
17th Jun 20 11:39 am

Following North Korea blowing up the embassy and liaison office on Tuesday, South Korea has moved thousands of troops and tanks on the border “ready” for conflict.

The two countries are still at war as no peace treaty has ever been signed, and troops are ready and prepared to cross into the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), which is heavily guarded by both North and South.

Since the disappearance of the North Korean leader Kim Jung-un, his sister Kim Yo-jong seems to have taken the helm.

Over the weekend Kim Jong-un’s sister Kim Yo-jong threatened to demolish the liaison office in a statement, which she did. The liaison office opened in 2018 to help North and South communicate.

Yo-jong also threatened over the weekend that she will send troops into the demilitarised zone (DMZ) at the inter-Korean border as is ready to turn the “frontline into a fortress.”

South Korea’s deputy director of the national security office Kim You-geun said, “The government expresses strong regret over North Korea’s unilateral detonation of the inter-Korean liaison office building.

“We sternly warn that we will strongly respond to it if North Korea takes any action that further worsens the situation.”

South Korean vice unification minister Suh Ho, who co-headed the liaison office, called the demolition of the building and the embassy “unprecedented in inter-Korean relations” and a “nonsensical act.”

A senior US administration official told Reuters, “We are aware that North Korea destroyed the liaison office in Kaesong and remain in close coordination with our Republic of Korea allies.”

Youngshik Bong, who is a research fellow at Yonsei University’s Institute for North Korean Studies in Seoul, claims the political statements made by Yo-jong’s underlines her central role in the regime.

He told The Guardian newspaper, “It is revealing that Kim Jong-un permitted her [his sister Yo-jongs]to write and announce a scathing statement about South Korea in such a personal tone.

“He is clearly ready to allow his sister to become his alter-ego.”

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