Home Business Insights & Advice Six surprising things that could void your car insurance

Six surprising things that could void your car insurance

by Sponsored Content
23rd Jun 20 3:33 pm

All drivers are legally required to have some form of car insurance. However, did you know that the policies available can vary dramatically? Not all policies will cover everything you want or need them to.

To ensure you don’t get a nasty surprise when you come to make a claim, below you’ll discover six surprising things that could void your car insurance.

1. Providing the wrong information

Did you know that something as simple as not updating your address could void your insurance policy? It may seem like a minor error, but it can have a big impact on your insurance. This is because where you live will impact how much you need to pay. There may also be a difference in security at the address you’ve moved to.

As well as address, you also need to ensure you have provided the right information on where the car is stored, who drives it and how often you drive it. Be sure to update your insurance company whenever your circumstances change, whether it be a new house or a new job.

2. Modifying your car

Another thing that can drastically impact your insurance is modification. While it might be tempting to give your vehicle an upgrade, you need to think about the impact it could have on your insurance.

The trouble with modifying a car is that it can alter its performance as well as how it looks. It could also make the car more expensive to repair. This means the cost of your cover would go up. So, if you haven’t told your insurer, it could void your policy when it comes to making a claim.

Similarly, if you have a classic car, you’ll need specialist insurance from Gallagher or a similar insurer.

3, You go over your estimated mileage

When you take out car insurance, you have to provide estimated mileage information. If you go over this estimation, your policy could become void. This is because the insurer uses your mileage to determine the risk. The more you drive, the higher the risk and the more you’ll need to pay.

4. Failing to maintain the car

There are a lot of reasons why car maintenance is important. It can save you from spending a fortune on repairs by detecting issues early. However, did you also know that failing to maintain the car can also void your insurance? If your insurer discovers an accident occurred due to a lack of maintenance, your policy could be cancelled, and they won’t pay out.

5. Valet parking

Although it may seem like a luxury touch, handing your car over for valet parking can cause your policy to become void. If the valet crashes or damages the car, it may not be covered.

6. Car sharing

Finally, car sharing can also see you lose your policy. If your car will be used as part of a car sharing scheme, you’ll need to let the insurer know and potentially upgrade your policy.

These are just some of the reasons your car insurance policy could become void. It’s important to understand the rules of your policy to ensure you don’t break them.

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