Home Business NewsBusiness Sexual harassment cases grope London transport

Sexual harassment cases grope London transport

by LLB Editor
25th May 12 12:37 pm

Is sexual harassment common in London? Yes, if a new YouGov survey is anything to go by.

The survey of 1,047 Londoners for the End Violence Against Women Coalition revealed that in the past one year, at least four in 10 young women (40 per cent) have been sexually harassed on public transport in London.

The survey also showed that 31 per cent of women aged 18 to 24, and 14 per cent of women all ages got unwanted sexual attention on public transport. Also, five per cent of all women experienced unwelcomed “sexual touching”.

Professor Liz Kelly, co-chairwoman of the End Violence Against Women Coalition said: “Our survey shows that sexual harassment in London is extremely common.

“Some survey respondents also said that this behaviour makes them feel uncomfortable and unsafe and makes them change their behaviour and decisions about when and where to travel.

“Despite this high prevalence and impact however, public sexual harassment is a form of abuse which generally goes unchallenged, creating an unsafe and unequal environment for women.

“We need investment in public campaigns on transport and elsewhere saying this behaviour is unacceptable, and training for transport staff and police about how to respond to it.”

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