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Home Business Insights & Advice Seven top tips for keeping your eCommerce branding consistent

Seven top tips for keeping your eCommerce branding consistent

by Sarah Dunsby
3rd Jun 24 2:51 pm

eCommerce markets are currently more flooded than ever, and brands looking to stand above the crowd need to find unique ways to stick in consumer minds. Brand consistency is key in this sense, ensuring immediate recognition, memorable marketing, and a far higher chance of forming trusting consumer connections. Get it right by considering the following 7 top tips for keeping your eCommerce branding consistent, according to the experts.

1. Develop comprehensive brand style guides

You’ll never create a consistent brand image if every member of your team is singing from a different hymn sheet. This is why you need to develop a comprehensive, company-wide brand style guide. As well as outlining key things like tone of voice, brand colours, and best practices, your style guide should include unique advice for every platform and company scenario. Begin this document with a cohesive description of your mission, vision, and values, and then get into the nitty-gritty. Update this document in full anytime you make even one small company change, to ensure that no one’s accessing old advice, which could result in inconsistent content.

2. Perfect presentation

The way you present your products will quickly become the most recognisable thing about your brand. When you achieve consistency through the use of things like company-wide colour guides and logo templates on your brand materials and packaging, you increase the chances that consumers will instantly know who you are and what you offer. It’s also worth thinking about where you place those products, as this ensures more consistent, impactful exposure. For instance, placing your product ads on certain social media platforms should mean increased exposure to the same audience, and hopefully an increased chance of sales.

3. Hit the right tone of voice

A consistent brand voice that uses the same inflections, tone, and even phrases, can help consumers get to know you. Ensure everyone in your company gets this right by writing clear TOV guidelines, which include key information like target audience, tone, and the types of words you intend to use (e.g. conversational vs technical). It also pays to provide clear examples of your brand voice in everything from product descriptions to your content, so each member of your team knows what your ‘brand’ would say in any given situation.

4. Master your messaging

You should also achieve clear messaging that accounts for what you’re trying to say, who you’re talking to, and what you’ve said before. It’s also important to ensure that, even if audience specifics vary slightly, you keep this messaging consistent across all online channels and in print marketing materials. That way, consumers are far more likely to understand what you have to offer, what sets you apart, and why they could benefit from choosing you above your competitors.

5. Predictable scheduling

These days, consistency is about more than just products. Brands also need to be consistent with what they post online. Things like a predictable social media posting schedule or a regular blog upload plan can help build trust, ensure returning visitors, and generally increase the chance of repeat sales.

6. Consistency across channels

You want consumers to move flawlessly from, say, your blog or social media, to your website and checkout page. Consistency is also key to these cross-channel experiences. Things like the same colour scheme across your online touchpoints, as well as similarities in navigation and wording, may even lead clients like your blog followers to your online store without their noticing. This consistency, and the ease of purchase it offers, can increase things like client loyalty, and the chances of personal recommendations.

7. Continual monitoring in all areas

Business isn’t always linear, and a good brand should constantly evolve. Continual monitoring is vital to ensure these evolutions don’t result in inconsistencies in things like your messaging or presentation. Ideally, you should aim to conduct at least quarterly content and brand material audits, or if you think consistency might be a little off-key, don’t hesitate to seek the help of professionals like a brand experience agency in London. They can help you identify what’s gone wrong and any steps you need to take to create consistent outputs once more.

A company like TED Experience makes it their business to help great brands engage audiences and harness consumer loyalty. Whether you want to improve your eCommerce branding or are worried that what you’re doing lacks consistency, their team can enhance your brand experience using our creative competence, proven commercial methodology, and data-led insights. Create a brand they’ll never forget by contacting them about consistency in your eCommerce business today.

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