Home Lifestyle News Sell-Fridges and Cod Fathers – the best of London's shop front puns

Sell-Fridges and Cod Fathers – the best of London's shop front puns

by LLB Editor
27th Jan 12 4:16 pm

Buying a floor and drycleaning need never be dull again, here’s why

From “Sell-Fridges” to “Full of crepe”, London’s got many shop-fronts that might crack you up with cheeky word-plays. We asked Pun-star Sean Leahy to pick the best London puns from his blog, the Punning Man. Here’s his favourites and why, over to Sean…

1.BEAUTY & THE BEACH – Twickenham


2. JACK THE STRIPPER – Twickenham

Jack and the Stripper

I was lucky enough to find both of these while freelancing in Twickenham. On one particularly chilly lunch break, on the hunt for something other than a soggy sandwich I came across these and was able to briefly warm my cockles!

3. TURN’EM CLEAN – Turnham Green

Turn 'em Clean in Turnham Green

My friend Dave spotted this dry cleaners on the way home from work one day. There’s something really quaint about crowbarring in the name of the town your establishment sits in, into your name.

4. FULL OF CREPE – Covent Garden

Full of Crepe, Covent Garden

Bit of a double edged sword, this one. On the one hand, the comedy angle might bring in some custom, but if you’re relying on word of mouth, people who don’t get the joke might not be rushing to get there!


Planet of the Grapes

This wine and spirit shop doesn’t take a lot of explaining, and that for me is what makes it one of the top ones. Delightful!

6. PANE IN THE GLASS – Ashford

Pane in the Glass

This takes the theory of beautifying the mundane a step further, but perhaps in the wrong direction for some. I imagine this may have even lost them some business! My favourite part is that the joke still works no matter what accent you have.


FLOORS FOR THOUGHT, a shop in Clapham

This is a lovely example of beautifying the mundane. Having been a man who has gone shopping for a floor recently, I can’t say I was ever excited going into a tile shop, but my heart would’ve been a little happier if this place had been one I’d visited.

8. FENG SUSHI – Southbank

Feng Sushi, Southbank

As if sushi isn’t the most aesthetically ornate meal going, this place has nailed it on the very head by integrating it with the geometric system of positivity. The clever chaps.

9. HIGHLY SPRUNG – Battersea

Highly Sprung, a shop in Battersea

And, as if to complete the mundane triumvirate, here’s a bed shop that implies that the act of buying one might be stressful, but hopefully is compensated by the comfort of said bed.

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