Home London News Rurik Jutting: British banker found guilty of murdering two women in Hong Kong

Rurik Jutting: British banker found guilty of murdering two women in Hong Kong

8th Nov 16 9:53 am

The latest on Hong Kong murders…

British Banker Rurik Jutting has been found guilty of murdering two Indonesian women in Hong Kong.

Jutting denied murder but admitted to manslaughter. He was found guilty on both counts; it took the jury a total of four hours to come to a decision.

He’s been sentenced to life in prison for killing both Sumarti Ningsih and Seneng Mujiasih.

In November 2014, their bodies were found in Jutting’s apartment.

In Hong Kong a murder case carries a whole mandatory life sentence.

A statement read out by his lawyer said Jutting expressed remorse for his actions: “I remain haunted daily both by memory of my actions… and by knowledge of the acute pain I have caused their loved ones, not least Ningsih’s young son,”

“The evil I have [done] cannot be remedied by me in words or actions. Nevertheless, for whatever it may be worth, to Ningsih’s family and friends, and Mujiasih’s family and friends, I am sorry, I am sorry beyond words.”

Jutting’s lawyers stated that he killed the women due to his lack of control over his narcissistic personality disorder and sexual sadism, as well as his increase in alcohol and drug abuse.

They said these disorders came to light after Jutting was sexually abused during his boarding school days at Winchester College in the UK, and the trauma of his Dad’s attempted suicide when he was 16.

This however was argued by the prosecution. They said he could form judgements and exercise self control, citing the fact that he was able to film Ningsih’s torture on his phone.

Deputy High Court Judge Michael Stuart-Moore told Jutting: “On each offence I pass a concurrent life term. Had this been in the UK I would have commended the sentences to be a full life term. There’s no such power in Hong Kong to do so. You’ll go to prison for life.”

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