Home Business NewsBusiness Rodents on a roll! Covent Garden restaurant Sitaaray shut after mice attack

Rodents on a roll! Covent Garden restaurant Sitaaray shut after mice attack

by LLB Editor
25th Oct 12 12:19 pm

First Tesco and Sainsbury’s then Farrington tube station and now a top London restaurant: mice are taking over the the capital.

Health inspectors forced Covent Garden restaurant Sitaaray to shut after they found rodent droppings, maggots and decomposing mice in its kitchen.

The restaurant which is the “official supplier of pan Asian cuisine to Harrods’ food hall” was made to pay full costs of £1,747 to Camden council.

Inspectors also found an “extensive infestation” in nightclub Tamarai and ordered it to pay a £2,180 fine. Both venues are run by hospitality chain Tamarai Ltd

There is no suggestion that Harrods breached hygiene rules and it’s not known whether Harrods stocked food made in Sitaaray’s kitchen.

A spokeswoman for Harrods’ food hall said: “We do not stock them any more. The concession ended on October 22 and will be replaced by another provider”.

“Tamarai no longer trade in Harrods as they would simply like to concentrate on developing their flagship business.”

Abdul Hai, Camden council’s cabinet member for community safety, said that the council is cracking down on restaurants with poor hygiene standards. “We know how popular Camden is as a destination for nightlife and entertainment and we will make sure that eating and drinking in Camden continues to be an enjoyable and safe experience by working proactively with our food business to help them get it right for their customers.”

You need to read:

Call the verminators! Mice attack Farringdon commuters

Rampaging mice attack Tesco Covent Garden store

Rampaging mice 2: Sainsbury’s West London targeted by rodents



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