Home Business Insights & Advice PPC for SaaS: Five proven strategies
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PPC for SaaS: Five proven strategies

by Sarah Dunsby
18th Apr 22 11:44 am

The need for top-performing advertising services for software businesses is more pressing than ever. SaaS companies currently face several obstacles unique to their industry, from marketing to advertising. For instance, the sales cycle is lengthy, which means a marketing team must make multiple touchpoints before closing deals.

Unfortunately, it is not easy for a company to stay in their customers’ faces or on their minds for long.  The chances of achieving these increase if a company manages to stay top of search results for as long as possible. Again, this is not an easy feat.

To make this happen, software providers can stay in close contact with their audience using a major digital advertising strategy like PPC. Google AdWords is one of the best PPC platforms out there.

But that’s not all – here are a few other actionable and proven tips to get the job done.

1. Landing page optimisation

When paying for clicks, a hyper-relevant landing page that immediately addresses your users’ intent is essential. Unfortunately, leads instantly bouncing from a landing page because it doesn’t address their purpose or is not what they are looking for is the worst occurrence in the PPC for SaaS world.

Therefore, when developing your landing pages for PPC ads, ensure you put in a lot of effort. Each element on your landing page should lead the user to answer your call to action (CTA). For example, the CTA could be filling out a form or downloading a whitepaper.

You can also use chatbots because they are incredibly effective at this stage of the customer’s journey. Moreover, they reduce bounces and encourage the leads to begin a conversation regarding their needs. These conversations expose your users’ pain points, helping you usher them through the sales cycle.

2. Inspiring trust from the start

When you put yourself in the shoes of someone searching for a SaaS provider like your company, there is a high likelihood that they have no pre-existing knowledge of your company. They may not know what you do or how you can help them. Consequently, they may doubt that you can solve their problems.

Once a user ends up on your landing page, you can overcome trust issues by showcasing credibility and inspiring truth. In addition, you can showcase your relationship with showpiece clients and place logos of publications you’ve appeared.

Another way to inspire trust is through case studies. Your case studies should highlight your successful relationships with major customers, ensuring that you clearly state how your software has benefited the partnered brands.

3. Releasing your content

Until recently, gating off premium content and only granting access after some form of buy-in from leads have been best practices. This may seem justifiable since your team must have spent countless hours creating content full of information and insights. So, asking for contact information from a potential shouldn’t be an issue.

However, this method creates friction. So, this friction may cause a potential customer to focus on one of your competitors, especially in very competitive verticals. Furthermore, it increases the bounce rate from your landing page.

Although nobody likes bounces, organic traffic bouncing from your site doesn’t cost anything. However, with PPC ads, bounces cost money, which adds up and blows through your ad budget in competitive verticals.

4. Creating your ad-copy off leads

It is ideal to spend time wrapping your head around what your prospective clients do and their business’s essentials when demoing your product for them. Each prospect’s wants, fears, aspirations, and frustrations are crucial. Therefore, always pay special attention to them.

Your prospects’ answers to these questions will help you address their needs and sell better. More importantly, their answers inform your future ad copy. Although you may notice that most of your prospects most likely have similar goals and concerns, their fear, aspiration, frustration, and want may be different. Consequently, you can use these concerns as an angle when creating your ad copy.

5.  Concentrating on long-tail keywords

A bidding strategy focused on long-tail keywords is effective for two reasons – it helps you find better leads and provides affordable yet highly qualified leads, which is crucial to the success of your PPC campaign. Usually, SaaS PPC costs are pretty high due to a customer’s lifetime value.

Users with intent always search with long-tail keywords. For instance, if two buyers are in the market to purchase a new softball bat, the first searches just for “best softball bats,” while the other searches for “Easton Ghost Advanced Softball Bat.” It is evident that the second customer is further along in the sales cycle

Long-tail keywords also help you find hidden gems at a very low cost per click (CPC). Furthermore, the keywords present a great opportunity of getting qualified leads cheaper – this is critical, especially when trying to maximise your budget and keep acquisition costs as low as possible.



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