Home Brexit PM under pressure as Corbyn threatens no-confidence vote

PM under pressure as Corbyn threatens no-confidence vote

by LLB Reporter
17th Dec 18 3:48 pm

According to sources, Labour was preparing to table a motion of no confidence in the prime minister if Theresa May did not announce a date for the vote on her Brexit deal today. However, May has now announced that the debate would return to parliament after Christmas, with a vote held in the week of January 14.

A Labour source told media that the motion, if it would have taken place, would be targeted at May personally, rather than the Government. This is not the same as a motion of no confidence in the government, which is the vote that would trigger a general election if the government were to lose and no alternative government were to win a confidence vote in 14 days.

According to reports, Corbyn was to propose: “That this House has no confidence in the Prime Minister due to her failure to allow the House of Commons to have a meaningful vote straight away on the withdrawal agreement and framework for the future relationship between the UK and the EU.”

Meanwhile, PM also said that MPs should not be helping Corbyn trigger a general election. They should be thinking about the national interest, not party interest, she added.

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