Home Business News PM rejects call for second Scottish referendum

PM rejects call for second Scottish referendum

by LLB Politics Reporter
14th Jan 20 12:43 pm

Scotland’s first minister Nicola Sturgeon has had her call for a second referendum rejected on Tuesday by Boris Johnson.

The first minister asked for Holyrood to be provided with the power to hold fresh votes on independence.

Johnson rejected the powers to hold a vote, Sturgeon said in response the “Tories are terrified of Scotland’s right to choose.”

Johnson said in a letter to Scotland’s SNP leader, “I cannot agree to any request for a transfer of power that would lead to further independence referendums.

“You and your predecessor made a personal promise that the 2014 independence referendum was a ‘once in a generation’ vote.

“The people of Scotland voted decisively on that promise to keep our United Kingdom together, a result which both the Scottish and UK governments committed to respect in the Edinburgh Agreement.

“The UK government will continue to uphold the democratic decision of the Scottish people and the promise that you made to them.”

Sturgeon hit back in a tweet saying, the “Tories are terrified of Scotland’s right to choose – because they know that when given the choice we’ll choose independence. Tories have no positive case for the union – so all they can do is attempt to deny democracy. It will not stand.

“The problem for the Tories is the longer they try to block democracy, the more they show the Westminster union is not one of equals and fuel support for independence.

“This response predictable – but also unsustainable and self defeating. Scotland will have the right to choose.

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