Home Business NewsBusiness Paris terror attacks: Sequence of events

Paris terror attacks: Sequence of events

19th Mar 17 12:07 pm

Paris: Orly airport Saturday

Here is what we now know from Saturday’s two terror attacks in Paris.

  • At routine vehicle check three police officers had stopped Belgacem’s vehicle at a checkpoint in Garges-les-Gonesse at 06:55 local time for speeding.
  • He shot one female police officer in the head with a pellet gun.
  • BFM TV reported that Belgacem had sent a chilling text message to his family after shooting one police officer in the face. He said: “I shot the police.”
  • A woman’s car was hijacked at gunpoint, by Belgacem in Vitry, south Paris which was later found at Orly airport.
  • At 08:30 the he arrived at south terminal attacked and tried to steal an automatic machine gun from a soldier who was on duty at Orly airport. He aimed his gun at the soldier’s head and said: “I’m here to die for Allah. In any case people are going to die.”

Orly gunman

Source: @twitter

  • The gunman was unable to take the weapon and was shot dead by two other soldiers.
  • Paris Prosecutor, Francois Molins said that a copy of the Koran was found on his body.
  • The airport was closed and around 3,000 passengers were evacuated. Flights were diverted and passengers on planes were not allowed to disembark.
  • Bomb squad experts combed the airport for any explosives and also the dead gunman. No explosives were found.

Orly airport

Source: @Photoshot

  • French police sources had said the gunman was known to the intelligence and security services. They said he was “a radicalised muslim known to the intelligence services and the justice system.”
  • He has been named as Ziyed Belgacem. His father and brother were both detained by the French authorities. His father has been released and his brother remains in custody.
  • Belgacem’s father told Europe 1 radio today that his son was not a terrorist. He took drugs drank alcohol and never prayed. He said he received a phone call from his son after the first attack and said: “Dad, please forgive me. I’ve screwed up with a police officer.”

Orly aiport re-opened late Saturday.


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