Home Business News Parents warned over a new serious Covid-19 symptoms affecting children

Parents warned over a new serious Covid-19 symptoms affecting children

by LLB Reporter
27th Apr 20 3:12 pm

The NHS have issued a warning to parents after children are being admitted to intensive care units (ICU) with new coronavirus related inflammatory syndrome.

The new warning by doctors of the potential of risk in children could cause unprecedented danger as there is a worrying spike in children being admitted to ICU.

Health officials at an NHS board in London sent an urgent alert to GPs, “There is growing concern that a Covid-19 related inflammatory syndrome is emerging in children in the UK.”

Doctors are seeing a growing number of children with new symptoms with abdominal pain, diarrhoea, cardiac inflammation, and gastrointestinal symptoms including vomiting.

The mysterious symptoms children are showing has been compared by doctors to toxic shock and Kawasaki disease, which cause fever, breathing problems and internal swelling, when they’re combined.

GPs were sent an alert telling them to refer children with symptoms including stomach pains.

Symptoms to look out for are those who have redness of the tongue or rashes.

Doctors have been concerned as for many weeks over the lack of infections in children as they are usually super spreaders of illnesses, as result Children could be placed on the vulnerable list.

A group of doctors affiliated to the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health confirmed this could become a worrying issue, as the cause for this inflammatory syndrome is still not clear.

Doctors are unclear if there are any clusters across the UK with children.

It was reported in the Daily Mail that a memo, sent out by an NHS CCG in London and tweeted by the Paediatric Intensive Care Society said, “The cases have in common overlapping features of toxic shock syndrome and atypical Kawasaki disease with blood parameters consistent with severe Covid-19 in children.”

A HSS statement on their website says, “Inflammation refers to a biological response to stimuli interpreted by the body to have a potentially harmful effect.

“While after injury or in certain conditions inflammation is a normal, healthy response, inflammatory disorders that result in the immune system attacking the body’s own cells or tissues and may cause abnormal inflammation, which results in chronic pain, redness, swelling, stiffness and damage to normal tissues.

Dr Elizabeth Whittaker, a paediatrician at St Mary’s Hospital, London said medics in other countries, such as Italy and Spain have also reported a similar illness.

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