Home Business NewsBusiness Panasonic invests $60m in laundry robot

Panasonic invests $60m in laundry robot

22nd Nov 16 11:00 am

Would you buy a robot to help you fold laundry?

When a Japanese start-up unveiled a robot that can fold your laundry, many hated the idea and called it “ridiculous, frivolous and a waste of engineering talent.”

However, Panasonic thought differently of the new project and has invested $60m (£49m) in the new technology.

Seven dreamers have spent a whole decade creating the “Laundroid”.

The new tech is due to be released on the market next year. The device is yet to be given a price tag but it uses artificial intelligence and image recognition technology to fold and stack clothes.

Seven Dreamers have claimed the new tech could revolutionise home life. They also say on their website that it could create more time for us as the average person spends 9,000 hours, or 375 days, folding laundry in their lifetimes.

Panasonic told the BBC it was only funding 10 per cent of the project and will be “providing the expertise” for the device.

Another minor investor involved is Japan’s Daiwa Housing.

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