Home Business Insights & Advice Packaging design trends to give you the edge

Packaging design trends to give you the edge

by Sarah Dunsby
9th May 23 3:08 pm

No matter what industry you work in, you only have to go to your local supermarket or drive down a busy shopping street to see the scores of brands using clever, inventive, and aesthetic packaging to set themselves apart from the crowd.

And like any part of the art and fashion world, trends in packaging design come and go from season to season, allowing the creative minds tasked with the job of creating something new for a company the freedom to think outside of the box.

As businesses continue to recognise the impact of packaging on consumer perception, the demand for innovative brand packaging solutions remains on the rise, prompting designers to explore novel approaches that capture attention and resonate with evolving consumer preferences.


Sustainability is more than a trend; it is a growing global movement. And as of 2023, that movement is stronger than ever. Customers and consumers are making it clear that they want to support green businesses that actively show a conservative effort to reduce their carbon footprint.

Glass, metal and paper are leading the way as go-to materials for eco-friendly packaging. Glass is naturally recyclable and can be re-processed without compromising the quality of the material. Metals can be reused by customers or smelted down to create new packaging by companies. And paper can be reused and recycled in various different ways by the general public or large businesses.


A massive trend in the fashion world for 2023 is the play on nostalgia, with a return to the vintage age of the 70s and 80s. This trend is in full swing in the world of packaging, allowing businesses to expand into vintage designs that stay within their brand identity.

Warm tones of reds, browns and oranges, wavy artwork, bold sans-serif fonts and squiggly brush strokes have all made a triumphant return. However, to avoid your products looking too busy, opt for one or two design elements as opposed to trying to incorporate them all.


Products with handmade touches have always been a popular choice with customers. The extra effort is often rewarded with a willingness to pay a slightly higher price for items and multiple revisits. For this reason, it is unsurprising that packaging labels with hand-drawn illustrations and writing are seeing a rise in popularity.

This design choice works better in some industry more than others. However, it is a trend worth looking into if you work with candles, essential oils, cosmetics or hygiene products. In addition, crafted food and drink items can include these illustrations to depict the story of the company and the product itself.


In today’s society, customers care more than ever about the ingredients in their favourite products. Moreover, the need to see inside before purchasing it is a big desire for most. Clear packaging allows you to grant this option to those hoping to buy your product and lets you use recycled materials like glass simultaneously. This is a popular tool in the beauty and cosmetic market.

The potential issue is finding the correct balance between transparency and label space. Too much of either will eliminate the usefulness of the other element. But if done correctly, customers will appreciate seeing the product and having a descriptive label showing your brand message.


Minimalism in design has been a common trend for years. Despite its toned-down nature, many brands have perfectly utilised it to create recognisable packaging that can be seen immediately by those looking for it.

However, for businesses looking for a new wave of creativity, expression or just a sense of whimsy, maximalism might be the trend for you. In a complete 180 spin, maximalist designs use bright and bold colours, big fonts, 3D imagery and contrasting colours to create eye-catching packaging that won’t be lost in a crowd.

Earthy tones

Many companies have caught onto the fact that consumers connect eco-conscious preferences to specific colour palettes. Using earthy, natural tones like browns, greens, oranges, and beige causes those looking at your products to connect them to the environment subconsciously.


To make your business appealing to a wide variety of people, it is vital to understand how different people are motivated to buy products. This can be done by appealing to the different senses we use to navigate through our environment.

Creating packaging with different textures and dimensions presents a new and unique way to experience your product. It demands attention and can be the defying way to set you apart from the rest of your competitors—those who see it on the store shelf will feel compelled to pick it up and touch it.


In packaging design, a wraparound pattern refers to a single pattern that seamlessly covers the entire surface area from back to front. This will be a popular trend for you if you are after fluid layouts with a clean and sleek finish. For an added touch, consider how your products line up on store shelves and make a design that stacks up nicely side-by-side.


In many markets, from stationary to jewellery and homeware items, shoppers are after customisable options. During the holidays, this option becomes a crowd favourite, causing a massive spike in sales. But with birthdays and anniversaries appearing throughout the year, there will always be a market for something personal.

Offering custom colours, imagery designs and script allow consumers to mix and match ideas to create items they can keep for a lifetime.

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