Home Business News One in five Brits feel more productive working from home

One in five Brits feel more productive working from home

by LLB Reporter
9th Aug 18 7:07 am

While working in an office comes with its perks and privileges, many struggle with the 9-5 life (and aircon politics), which may explain why more and more people are opting to work from home.

Online furniture retailer, Furniture Choice, polled the nation to find out why Brits are choosing to work from home, how often and where in their house they are setting up office. And since working from home can be distracting and a daunting prospect for some, Furniture Choice has developed  the best layouts, lighting and even scents that can help professionals focus.

Remote and flexible working is increasingly popular and more than half (58%) of Brits work from home during the week, for an average of 13 hours a week. A huge 51% said they would prefer to work remotely more often.

The top five reasons British workers like working from home are:

  1. Flexibility and convenience (52%)

  2. Not having a commute (44%)

  3. Comfort (43%)

  4. Freedom to start and finish whenever (37%)

  5. More family time (22%)

Respondents also said that the facilities at home are better (15%) and they like not having to abide by a dress code (21%). In true British fashion, many respondents commented on the fact that they love working from home because they get to spend more time with their dog!

Comfort was high on the list of priorities for Brits, with nearly half (43%) saying that working from home affords greater comfort than their office. It therefore comes as no surprise, that Brits are not just working from spare room desks (25%) and kitchen tables (20%) – but also sofas (19%)! Thankfully, fewer than one in ten (7%) bedheads work from under duvets

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