Home Business NewsTech News Oh. My. Gosh. This is what the future looks like for augmented reality. It is INCREDIBLE

Oh. My. Gosh. This is what the future looks like for augmented reality. It is INCREDIBLE

20th Mar 15 10:37 am

Google-backed Magic Leap is creating a world where you can blast holes through your office walls and robots attack you from behind your desk

So – yeah. The video below is amazing. Our usual journalistic verbosity has been pretty much struck dumb by quite how amazing it is.

It’s from Magic Leap, the augmented reality start-up that Google invested $542m in last year.

(Augmented reality is like virtual reality but merged with the real world, so when you stick a headset on you see characters or other virtual reality stuff interacting with real world objects and structures.)

Casually titled “Just another day in the office at Magic Leap”, it shows how the company is pioneering tech that lets you occupy an augmented reality world where robots leap through your office and where you can blast holes through the real-world walls around you with virtual reality guns.

We got very excited when we saw the teaser video for Microsoft’s HoloLens, which creates the same kind of augmented reality worlds.

But the graphics from Magic Leap look even more accomplished and responsive.

Just check out the video. And prepared to be awed. Seriously.

Find out more about Magic Leap (whose website is also awesome – check it out).


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