Home Brexit No deal warning to EU as Brexit talks are ‘reaching limit’

No deal warning to EU as Brexit talks are ‘reaching limit’

by LLB Politics Reporter
5th Jun 20 3:01 pm

The UK’s chief Brexit negotiator David Frost has warned the EU on the fourth round of talks that the UK are “reaching the limits.”

Frost said the UK are “reaching the limits of what we can achieve” and if any further progress were to be made both sides will need to “intensify and accelerate” their work rate.

Frost said, “We have just completed our fourth full negotiating round with the EU, again by video conference. It was a little shorter than usual and more restricted in scope. We continue to discuss the full range of issues, including the most difficult ones.

“Progress remains limited but our talks have been positive in tone. Negotiations will continue and we remain committed to a successful outcome.

“We are now at an important moment for these talks. We are close to reaching the limits of what we can achieve through the format of remote formal Rounds.

“If we are to make progress, it is clear that we must intensify and accelerate our work. We are discussing with the Commission how this can best be done.

“We need to conclude this negotiation in good time to enable people and businesses to have certainty about the trading terms that will follow the end of the transition period at the end of this year, and, if necessary, to allow ratification of any agreements reached.

“For our part we are willing to work hard to see whether at least the outline of a balanced agreement, covering all issues, can be reached soon.

“Any such deal must of course accommodate the reality of the UK’s well-established position on the so-called ‘level playing field’, on fisheries, and the other difficult issues.”

The EU’s negotiator Michel Barnier told reporters at a Brussels press conference, “My responsibility is to speak the truth and to tell the truth this week there have been no significant areas of progress.”

Barnier said of the key area over fisheries, he said the UK has “not shown any true will” to explore compromises.

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