Home Business Insights & Advice New Waterloo office for Fund Ourselves

New Waterloo office for Fund Ourselves

by Sponsored Content
27th Nov 19 1:26 pm

P2P fintech company Fund Ourselves has recently moved offices, now being located in Waterloo right next to the London Eye. The company also has an office in Woking, Surrey, which manages their customer services and other operations.

This move is not the only new change Fund Ourselves has undergone, having also recently rebranded. The fintech start-up was originally named Welendus, and has changed its colour scheme from blue and white to green, white and purple. This has been done, as founder Nadeem Siam has claimed, to make the company’s image clearer on what it helps customers to accomplish.

Siam has also stated that his motivation for the company is to provide manageable, affordable loans to those who need short term finance. In recent years, some of the major payday loan companies have collapsed due to being over-flooded with compensation claims amidst the governments regulatory clampdown.

Whilst there has been a decline in the number of payday loans providers, there are still roughly 3 million UK borrowers who use this means of finance. Fund Ourselves helps to meet these demands, offering short term loans with no hidden costs, and an APR that is under the market price cap (0.8% per day).

The loans provided through Fund Ourselves are typically used for people who have been hit with unexpected bills, needing some temporary extra funds to stay financially afloat. Borrowers can apply for anything from £50 to £500, and can borrow for over three months if necessary.

These loans can also have flexible repayments, and have no early repayment charges. The application can take as little as five minutes and applicants will receive an instant decision on their loan.

Being a P2P company, Fund Ourselves also enables people to invest their money through lending, able to get returns of between 5% to 15%. Investors will not be covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), however Fund Ourselves have a scheme of their own, with customer support to help investors get their returns as high as possible.

To find out more about Fund Ourselves, please visit their website.

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