Home Business NewsBusiness New app for pregnant commuters

New app for pregnant commuters

23rd Jan 17 10:25 am

Need a seat? Take a look at this app…

A new app has launched in the UK and its one aim is to help pregnant women get seats on public transport.

It’s called Babee on Board and works with two companion apps that communicate with Bluetooth.

To find a seat the app needs to be triggered, once this has occurred any users who also have the app are alerted that someone needs to sit down.

The new app costs £3.99 but all proceeds go to a children’s charity.

The developers have said they have placed a fee onto the new software to prevent anyone using it to prank others.

Hew Leith, chief executive of 10X, the British innovation consultancy behind the app, said: “We would rather give it away for free but we need to ensure there’s a barrier so people don’t download it for free and troll those around them,”

“We are donating 100 per cent of the profits to charity.”

The partner app which works in conjunction with Babee on Board can be downloaded for free, it will also activate immediately if a seat request is sent.

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