Home Business News Nearly 100 workers test positive at two food factories in Wales

Nearly 100 workers test positive at two food factories in Wales

by LLB Politics Reporter
19th Jun 20 3:05 pm

Two food factories’ in Wales have almost 100 key workers who have tested positive for coronavirus.

The 2 Siters factory in Llangefni and Rowan Foods in Wrexham provide food for shops, supermarkets, hospitals and restaurants across the UK.

The 2 Sisters chicken factory confirmed 58 cases with 38 at Rowan foods, Public Health Wales said.

Health Minister Vaughn Gething said the two outbreaks are a “concern” and the Welsh government are handling the situation.

2 Sisters supply supermarkets such as Marks & Spencer, Aldi, Asda, Co-op, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Waitrose and the fast food franchise KFC.

In a statement Rowan Foods said, “As you would expect we have made significant operational changes at the site to maintain social distancing wherever practically possible, including various mitigations such as screens and visors where this is not always possible.

“All these changes have been made in conjunction with advice by the regional Environmental Health Officer.

“These measures have limited the impact on our teams.”

Both food factories in Wales have now been closed, and contact tracing is being conducted of those who may have come into contact with the infected workers.

Health Minister Gething said, Its rhetoric’s the importance of our test, trace, protect system, and people do need to really follow the advice they are given on getting a test and on self-isolating.

“Given that this is a closed setting in which these people would have been working, I’m obviously concerned we may well see more confirmed cases of coronavirus.

“So if there is a proper outbreak that is being managed, if you like the normal way, we would minus significant outbreaks here in Wales, there’s partnership between Public Health Wales, the local health board and indeed Anglesey council working together with the employer.

“I would ask people to recognise this reiterates the seriousness of coronavirus, the need to follow the guidance, get a test and follow the advice from test, trace, protect to self-isolate to protect you, your family and other people around.”

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