Home Business NewsPolitics News MP sparks huge backlash after tweeting about bridge disability protest

MP sparks huge backlash after tweeting about bridge disability protest

8th Sep 16 11:35 am

Conservative MP Richard Benyon has come under fire after posting a picture online of protesters blocking Westminster Bridge on Wednesday afternoon.

Benyon tweeted a photo of the protest and said: “Some bunch of charmers have decided to disrupt millions of Londoners by sitting down on Westminster Bridge.”

He accused the group of causing disruption by “sitting down” on the bridge next to Parliament.

Many other online users on Twitter were quick to respond to the Newbury MP’s tweet which led to him deleting the tweet.

Nicky Evans said: “It would be good if, as an elected member, you actually bothered to go out and find out why people are being forced to protest.”

And Samuellification tweeted: “Maybe that’s ’cause some bunch of charmers destroyed millions of Brits’ lives with huge, degrading cuts.”

Linda Burnip, founder of the group Disabled People Against Cuts, which organised the protest told the BBC: “I think he needs to ask himself why we need to protest and block roads rather than be rude to us.”

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