Home Business NewsPolitics News Move over Boris, Theresa May is now favourite to be next PM

Move over Boris, Theresa May is now favourite to be next PM

29th Jun 16 11:06 am

The PM race hots up

Home Secretary Theresa May has overtaken former London mayor Boris Johnson as the politician Britons want as their next prime minister.

According to results of a YouGov poll, May was the most popular to succeed David Cameron.

She is supported by 19 per cent of the public while Boris is backed by 18 per cent.

Michael Gove came third with five per cent with Jeremy Hunt receiving only one per cent.

The news comes after chancellor George Osborne said he does not want to be prime minister.

“It isn’t in my nature to do things by half-measure, and I fought the referendum campaign with everything I’ve got. I believed in this cause and fought hard for it,” Osborne wrote in the Times newspaper.

“So it is clear that while I completely accept the result, I am not the person to provide the unity my party needs at this time.”


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