Home Brexit Michel Barnier says no-deal Brexit more likely ‘day after day’

Michel Barnier says no-deal Brexit more likely ‘day after day’

by LLB Politics Reporter
2nd Apr 19 9:00 am

The prime minister is holding marathon Cabinet session in a bid to try and break the Brexit deadlock, as on Tuesday Michel Barnier, the EU chief negotiator said a no-deal is looking likely day by day.

Theresa May has her top team gathered for Brexit crisis talks in Downing Street as on Monday evening MPs once again failed to find a majority to four of the eight motions chosen by the Speaker of the House.

The only three options the UK now has is to seek an extension to Article 50, leave the EU with a no-deal or cancel Brexit all together.

Barnier said speaking in Brussels, “If the UK Parliament does not vote in favour of the Withdrawal Agreement in the coming days only two options would remain.

“Leaving without an agreement or requesting a longer extension of the Article 50 period.”

Adding, “No deal was never our desired or intended scenario.

“But the EU is now prepared.”

Barnier said a no-deal Brexit “becomes day after day more likely”.

“The UK may ask for another extension. Such an extension would carry significant risks for the EU. Therefore a strong justification would be needed.

“We have always said that we can accept a customs union, or relationship along the style of the Norway model.

“In fact, however, the Political Declaration today can accommodate all of these options already.

“It leaves the door open for a variety of outcomes.

“But if the UK so wishes we are ready to rework the Political Declaration.”

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