Home Business News Mayor of London wants households to be banned from mixing

Mayor of London wants households to be banned from mixing

by LLB Politics Reporter
25th Sep 20 4:09 pm

Mayor of London is urging Prime Minister Boris Johnson to impose strict measures across the capital and ban households from mixing.

Khan told reporters that there has been a 43% drop in testing across London which has seen more than 620 infections across the capital in 24-hours.

Coronavirus infections across London have more than doubled in just five days, and has now been placed on a national coronavirus “watch list” as an area of concern.

London hospitals are seeing more cases and in 24-hours five more people were admitted to hospital, bringing the total to 212 with 40 patients on ventilators.

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said, “London is at a very worrying tipping point right now. We’re seeing a sharp rise in 111 calls, hospital admissions, and patients in ICU.

“The near collapse of test and trace and the resurgence of the virus means new measures to slow its spread were absolutely necessary.

“Testing capacity was diverted away from London in the last two weeks to other national hot spots and weekly testing numbers are now down 43% in the capital since mid-August. The lack of testing capacity is totally unacceptable and it is why London has been added to the Government’s coronavirus watchlist as an area of concern.

“Ministers simply have to get a grip. It’s vital that testing capacity is increased immediately in London and focused in the areas it is needed most. Any delay will mean letting the city down and will cost lives.”

On Friday the chief medical officers of all four UK nations released a statement warning “we are seeing the start of a second wave.”

The chief medical officers are asking people across the UK to follow the rules for our “safety.”

They warned in a joint statement, “Cases are rising rapidly and we must take action to stop an exponential increase that could overwhelm our health services and aim to bring R back below one while minimising the impact on the economy and society.”

The R rate is the average number of people someone with coronavirus infects.

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