Home Business News Mass vaccination centre closed for ‘two weeks’ amid ‘supply issues’

Mass vaccination centre closed for ‘two weeks’ amid ‘supply issues’

by LLB Politics Reporter
11th Feb 21 2:19 pm

Due to problems with the supply chain as mass vaccination centre has been forced to close for “up to two weeks.”

The vaccination centre in the Rhondda has faced difficulties in getting hold of the Pfizer jab, and other vaccination centres in Wales are receiving fewer doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Around 20% of the Welsh population has already received their first doses of the vaccination.

Chris Bryant local MP for the Rhondda wrote on Facebook, “It’s a shame that the lack of supply of the Pfizer vaccine for the next two or three weeks means that the mass vaccination centre is going to have to close temporarily.”

He added, “It will be up and running very soon and I’m pushing very hard to make sure that the supplies do come through so that we can start on the next set of categories as well as getting the second doses done.”

In a statement, the Welsh Government told the BBC, “Over the next couple of weeks, we are expecting a slight reduction in the amount of vaccines we will receive from the UK government, this is a planned and expected change in supply that will affect the whole of the UK.

“We have factored this into our plans and it will not affect people’s appointments or delay when people are due to get their second dose. The supply of vaccines is expected to ramp up significantly from the beginning of March.

“Every dose of vaccine we receive will continue to be delivered immediately to all those who need it. Our vaccination teams continue to do an incredible job to vaccinate everyone as quickly as possible.”

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