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Market your business like a boss on a budget

16th May 17 12:14 pm

Here’s how

Marketing your business can be tough, especially if you are just a small upstart looking to make a splash in the pond where the big boys swim. You may think you need to have the seemingly endless budget of those big power players. However, it is possible to let the world know about your business without spending a lot of money.

All of that being said, there are times when hiring an internet company such as Globex is warranted. Even though you’ll have to pay for their services, what you’ll get in return can be invaluable. You’ll get the benefit of their time and expertise, both of which will free you up to get on with the business of running your company.

Create a website

It seems simple, but the first step in creating a strong online presence is to set up your “home base,” in the form of a website. Your website is the place where people will go to find out more about you, converse with you, learn about your products and, in the case of an e-commerce site, even purchase products directly from your website.

Review Sites

One of the best (and cheapest!) ways to market your business is to have your business listed on review sites. Not only will this drive traffic to your site and boost your sales, it will also help to establish your site as authoritative. There are lots of business directories / review sites to choose from

Social Media

The influence that social media can have over your business is very powerful, too. Here are a few ways that social media can be used to generate buzz for your business.

Join Facebook and LinkedIn groups for your industry. This is a great way to network and to make connections with others in your niche, and also to build up your reputation and drive more traffic to your website. You can get and give advice, ask and answer questions, and all the while build your reputation as an expert in your field.

Create a Facebook group for your business: This is a great way to connect with your audience, and it doesn’t cause any money. You can post about sales, communicate with your customers, share valuable information, etc.

Through “social listening” tools you can monitor conversations happening in your niche, and capitalize on that information to market your business.

Tweet about your business! Create a business Twitter account and start tweeting! Use appropriate hashtags to get your tweets in front of more invested eyes, and you’ll start seeing an influx of traffic to your site. Follow people in your industry and tag them in your posts to gain some additional exposure.

Put Pinterest to work: Every time you write a blog post, pin it to a dedicated Pinterest board. Include a detailed, optimized description with each pin so interested parties can find your pins.


Starting a blog is just the beginning. There are lots of ways that blogging can be used to market your business. One of the best ways is to contribute to other people’s blogs through guest posting. This gives you the opportunity to reach a new audience in your industry who is already motivated to hear what you have to say. Look for guest posting opportunities online.

Collaborating with other bloggers is a great way to get noticed, too. You can join link parties, create joint posting projects, or co-sponsor a giveaway or contest with other bloggers in your niche. To extend your audience even more, you can have your contest listed on some of the most popular sweepstakes sites, where people will find you and can then click through to your site to enter the contest.

Making the content of your blog super shareworthy is one thing, but it’s also important to make it easy for your readers to share that content. Be sure you include sharing buttons for popular social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest on each blog post. There are lots of plugins available that make this very easy.

Being a part of the blogging community is about more than populating your own blog with your meandering thoughts. It’s about being an interactive member of the community! Leave insightful, useful, and/or encourage comments in the comment section on other blogs in your niche, including your own site’s URL where appropriate. This will help get your name out there in relevant channels and, with any luck, drive traffic to your website.

The overriding goal of any of these strategies is to get the word out about your business without spending much (if any) money. Because we are now living in an online age, it’s very possible for just about any business owner to harness the power of the internet to market themselves. The potential audiences for most businesses are worldwide, and the kind of visibility that was once reserved only for big companies with big budgets is now within the reach of everyone.

The internet is a very big place, and it can be challenging to try to market yourself in such a big market. Aligning yourself with the right marketing company can be a true lifesaver when it comes to getting your business noticed. They can take care of things such as creating your website, writing great content for you, optimizing your site for the search engines (SEO), social media optimization, and more. If these terms are foreign to you, you may struggle to get your business noticed. An internet marketing company can help you out tremendously.

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