Home Business Insights & Advice Making an efficient business: A quick guide

Making an efficient business: A quick guide

by Sponsored Content
12th Oct 21 10:05 am

There are many types of business. There are high-profit firms that have such an effective product listing or mark-up that they’re swimming in cash. Some start-ups struggle to turn a profit despite high VC investment. And there are firms that are always seeking to run as efficiently as possible, saving money wherever they can in order to reinvest profits in their growth and their workforce. If you’d classify yourself in the latter camp, then there are always new ways in which you can reduce your costs a little more – as this quick guide will show.

Costs audit

Whether you’re in the business of conducting monthly or quarterly business audits or you leave your accounting to a hired accountant, it’s important to know where your money’s going. Profits can quickly slip away into your operating costs – and that leaves your firm with less money to actually reinvest in growth and sustainability. So, when you’re looking at the cash you spend, pay particular attention to:

  • Employee salaries: are they all reasonable from your perspective?
  • Material costs: are there things you’re paying for that make little sense for a firm like yours?
  • Department costs: on balance, is there a department in your business that’s spending far too much money?
  • Wastage: if you track wastage, is it going up or down – and what’s causing this loss of cash?

Answering these key questions will give you an overview of where you can start to save cash, ensuring your business is as streamlined as possible.


One of the major sources of savings that diligent firms are able to work on is the cost of their utilities. You see, no business can run without access to the internet and to water, electricity, and gas. These might be seen as simple, acceptable overheads – but the truth is, you can always reduce the cost of these through negotiation. These are competitive markets, and that’s why there are firms such as https://www.businesswaterquotes.co.uk/ which are set up to find you the best deal on your water bill – and others for your other utilities. There’s always a cheaper competition you can turn to.

Value for money

With your review conducted and your utilities streamlined, it’s time to think about value for money in your firm. What costs are delivering huge profits for your business, and which are actually rather disappointing? You could look at this in terms of a return on investment: if you invested £30,000 in a marketing campaign and only saw a £25,000 return on this investment, it’s clear that there’s something very wrong with your marketing approach.

And that should mean changes. For example, you might choose to let some of your marketing team go. Or you could simply choose to withhold cash from a certain department until they’ve scraped together a better plan for producing profits. Whatever you decide, it’s clear that an efficient business cannot be wasting invested cash in this way – you need everyone to be delivering value for money in order to really streamline and perfect your business operations.

Efficient businesses make high profits and outcompete their rivals, which is why these tips are important for any business to take account of.

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