Home London News London on fire: Shocking pictures of the London bus and a Lamborghini going up in flames

London on fire: Shocking pictures of the London bus and a Lamborghini going up in flames

5th Nov 14 11:17 am

Burnt out bus photo via twitter

The burnt out bus in south London. Photo via Twitter

Passengers made a narrow escape from a burning bus in south London yesterday, just before the vehicle exploded.

In Wallington, south London, a keen-eyed policeman spotted smoke coming from the rear wheel of a double-decker and evacuated passengers from the bus.

Within seconds, the bus was engulfed in flames, sending a 100ft plume of black smoke into the sky. The passengers fled just in time to escape the subsequent explosion, which smashed the vehicle’s windows and sent debris flying.

Fire crews arrived at the scene where the number 157 bus was doused with foam.

Speaking to the Evening Standard, eye witness Morshed Alam, a photo journalist, said: “A crowd had formed, some of them must have been the passengers, and police were telling everyone to stay back.

“The fire was getting bigger and suddenly there was a huge explosion. It sounded like a giant gun shot. People started screaming and stepped back, panicking.

“The flames must have shot 10m across the street. I‘m sure it was the tyre exploding. Bits of the bus flew out at the same time. It’s really lucky no one was hurt.”


Lambo inferno

Lambo fire

Elsewhere in London, a Lamborghini driver keen to impress a gaggle of onlookers by revving the engine of his stationary vehicle was left looking slightly silly when the £300,000 car burst into flames.  

A video of the (no-doubt) costly calamity, which occurred on Sloane Street, Knightsbridge has been uploaded to YouTube.

The proud owner can be seen trying to waft the flames with a cloth (which if anything makes fires burn all the more happily), before shame directs him back into the driver’s seat of the blazing car to make a quick getaway from the crowd.

As he accelerates into traffic, narrowly avoiding collision with a taxi, the flames continue to lick the bodywork of the vehicle. This is probably quite dangerous.

Here’s the video:


Lambo inferno

What will be struck next?

If recent reports are to be taken seriously, it could even be the Houses of Parliament, which are said to be in a dangerous state of disrepair.

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