Home Brexit Liam Fox accuses Lords of blocking the ‘democratic will’ of Brits
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Liam Fox accuses Lords of blocking the ‘democratic will’ of Brits

1st May 18 11:55 am

Here’s why

Just hours after Britain’s upper House of Lords voted to give Parliament —- rather than the government — the powers to block or delay a final deal on departure from the EU, trade minister Liam Fox has hit back saying that unelected lawmakers were ‘trying to block the democratic will of the British people’.

“Now we have the unelected house actually trying to block the democratic will of the British people,” Fox told Sky News, adding: “This is a question about whether the will of the British people will be respected or not, and it must be.”

The Lords’ amendments to the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill can be overturned in the lower house, where May has a working majority with the support of a small Northern Irish party.

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