Home Business News Lebanese MP calls on ‘Arab states’ to join Hezbollah as they should not fight Israel alone

Lebanese MP calls on ‘Arab states’ to join Hezbollah as they should not fight Israel alone

by Mark Channer War Correspondent
8th Oct 23 12:46 pm

The Lebanese militant group Hezbollah has attacked Israeli infrastructure in Sheba Farms area which Lebanon claims it as their land but is controlled by Israel.

Hezbollah has fired mortar rounds from Lebanon into “Sheba Farms and Kfar Chouba areas hitting a military post.”

Israeli forces then responded by bombing “along the edges of the area” and the United Nations has confirmed on Sunday that the “exchange of fire was confirmed by both sides” including “UN peacekeepers in Lebanon.”

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The Israeli military said on Sunday that one of their drones struck “a Hezbollah infrastructure … in the Mount Dov” area along the Lebanese border.

Hezbollah has claimed responsibility for bombing Israeli “radar sites” in occupied areas, AL Jazeers reported.

The news outlet said, “The radar sites, Zibdin and Ruwaisat Al-Alam were bombed with large numbers of artillery shells and guided missiles. We targeted three Israeli occupation sites in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms area.”

Lebanese MP Najat Aoun Saliba has told Al Jazeera that “supporting the Palestinian cause should be a concerted effort between all Arab states.”

She said, “aim and focus” must be on the rights of Palestinians to live in peace, but with Hezbollah escalating the situation with Israel is seriously risking another war.

Saliba said Lebanon should not be the only Arab country who decides on war or peace, she added, “This is not something that Hezbollah should [shoulder] alone.

“It is a decision that has to be taken by all Arab states together.”

If Hezbollah joins the confrontation this will cause a crisis for Israel as the Israeli forces will be fighting on two different fronts several hundred kilometres from each other, Northern Israel and Gaza in the south.

Gideon Levy, a journalist at the Israeli daily Haaretz warned, “We will be facing a totally different reality where Israel has to fight two fronts, and maybe three, if the occupied West Bank gets into the picture.

“That’s a new game and Israel will go through something it never faced before.”

Hamas has called on ll armed groups in Lebanon to join the fight against Israel. Hamas has allies in Lebanon … All groups are all part of axis of resistance against Israel,” Al Jazeera’s Zeina Khodr said.

She added, “They [Hezbollah] did not hit open areas like we have seen in previous cross-border exchanges of fire, we understand that the mortars targeted an Israeli radar station.

“But still, the choice of Shebaa, as well as the use of mortars, and not long-range missiles, targeting Israeli cities or northern settlements, can be seen more as a message that this is what could happen if we do join this war.

“It could worsen the escalation.”

UNIFIL who are the UN’s peacekeeping mission in Lebanon said on Sunday that several rockets were fired from southeast Lebanon towards the Israeli occupied territory.

UNIFIL said on X, “We are in contact with authorities on both sides of the Blue Line, at all levels, to contain the situation and avoid a more serious escalation.”

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