Home Brexit Labour “stands ready to take charge of Brexit”

Labour “stands ready to take charge of Brexit”

25th Sep 17 10:24 am

Says Keir Starmer

Keir Starmer MP, Shadow Brexit Secretary, will today say that Labour are ‘the grown-ups in the room’ on Brexit and that the party must ‘stand ready to take charge of the negotiations’.

 Speaking at the Labour Party conference in Brighton, he is expected to say:

“Labour are now the grown-ups in the room.

“We stand ready to take charge of the negotiations.                         

“Not acting for narrow political gain.

“But in the national interest.

“The way the Tories are handling Brexit tells you a lot about their competence – or should I say incompetence.

“But it also tells you about their character.

“About their dogmatic disregard of the national interest.

“About their sheer sense of entitlement.

“About their post-imperial delusions

“About their willingness to put other people’s jobs at risk.

“Our country today is so much better than our Government.

“This is a country yearning for change

“Theresa May – and whichever Brexiteer replaces her – cannot deliver that change.”

Outlining the principles that would underpin Labour’s approach to the Brexit negotiations, Starmer is expected to say:

“Let me share with you Labour’s approach.

“An approach that is both democratically legitimate and economically sensible.

“That respects the referendum result and puts jobs and the economy first.

“An approach rooted in our core values.

“Values that bind us together.

“Labour values.

“Values of internationalism: we have always been an internationalist party; reaching out to Europe and the rest of the world rather than turning inwards.

“Values of co-operation; solidarity; and a simple belief that we achieve more together than we do alone.

“An unflinching commitment to human rights, the rule of law, rights at work and the protection of our environment.

“Fairness, equality and social justice in our economy and in our society.

“As we exit the EU, we should not abandon these values.

“On the contrary, these values should drive everything we do in these uncertain times.”

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