Home Business NewsBusiness Labour: ‘Scrooge’ Hunt ‘hasn’t cancelled bankers’ Christmases’

Labour: ‘Scrooge’ Hunt ‘hasn’t cancelled bankers’ Christmases’

by LLB Reporter
17th Nov 22 12:53 pm

Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves tells MPs she “read a timely warning from the police about pickpockets” in Westminster on her way to work this morning.

“They warn you may have an idea of what a pickpocket looks like, but they are far less likely to stand out to the crowd than you think,” she says.

“They work in teams to just try and distract the target on one of their tactics is where a thief will appear to be over friendly pickpocketing.

“Now, I must report in the last hour, the conservatives have picked the pockets of purses and wallets of the entire country. of stealth taxes or taking billions of pounds from ordinary working people.”

She continues: “The chancellor is trying to claim that this statement today is fair.

“Yet we learn that of all the things that he could save from the wreckage of the kamikaze budget, that he chooses to press ahead with is their plan to lift the cap on bankers bonuses at a time when he is urging wage restraint for everybody else.

“How can he remotely claim that this is fair?”

Ms Reeves also criticises Mr Hunt’s decision to not cut down on non-dom status.

“Tax free income for millionaires,” she notes.

“He’s asking working people to take the hit with less money in their pockets in the run up to Christmas, but also for years to come.

“But if you’re a banker, a non-dom, or a private equity manager, don’t worry – Scrooge hasn’t cancelled your Christmas.”

Ms Reeves continues: “The country is sick of being ripped off by the Tories, we want our money back.”

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