Home Brexit Johnson to tell Junker UK will reject any delay offer

Johnson to tell Junker UK will reject any delay offer

by LLB Politics Reporter
16th Sep 19 10:42 am

Boris Johnson is to meet with the European commission president Jean-Claude Juncker at lunch time in Luxembourg.

Johnson will tell Juncker that the UK will is not prepared to delay Brexit past the 31 October deadline.

Dominic Raab the foreign secretary said Johnson will stress he wants a deal however, there must be “some finality” to Brexit.

A Downing Street source said, “The PM will stress to Mr Juncker that, while he wants to secure a deal, if no deal can be agreed by October 18 his policy is to leave without a deal on October 31 – and reject any delay offered by the EU.

The source added, “Any further extension would be a huge mistake. It is not just a question of the extra dither and delay – it is also the additional long months of rancour and division, and all at huge expense.

“We must finally deliver on the 2016 referendum result.”

The prime minister wrote in the Daily Telegraph on Monday, “If we can make enough progress in the next few days, I intend to go to that crucial summit on October 17 and finalise an agreement that will protect the interests of business and citizens on both sides of the Channel, and on both sides of the border in Ireland.

“I believe passionately that we can do it, and I believe that such an agreement is in the interests not just of the UK but also of our European friends.

“We have all spent too long on this question. And if we can get that deal, then of course there will be time for Parliament to scrutinise and approve it before the end of October.

“But be in no doubt that if we cannot get a deal – the right deal for both sides – then the UK will come out anyway.”

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