Home Brexit Jobs will go to robots whether we have immigration or not – here’s why

Jobs will go to robots whether we have immigration or not – here’s why

7th Mar 18 10:00 am

John Vincent, Co-founder of Leon, fears roles in his company will be replaced by robots due to restraints on immigration

Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg has discounted claims from one concerned business leader that a potential lack of EU workers after Brexit will results in jobs being filled by artificial intelligence.

The MP told BBC Panorama, “I don’t think we should be frightened of mechanisation”

“Those jobs will go to robots whether we have immigration or not.  That immigration is not the issue around technological development, technological development, artificial intelligence, mechanisation, is all happening and that will carry on.”

Tonight’s BBC Panorama programme Immigration: Who should we let in? (Wednesday 7.30pm, BBC One) explores the current public debate surrounding immigration in the wake of Brexit and examines how the system could look once free movement of EU citizens in and out of Britain has ended.

Leading industry figures reveal to BBC Panorama their concerns about what the government’s plans could be on future migration from the EU.

Rees-Mogg also told BBC Panorama that there are plenty of UK workers looking for jobs: “There are 8 million people in this country who are classified as economically inactive, 2 million of whom would like to be economically active, there is a pretty big pool of people who they could train, and of course business wants to carry on what it’s being doing, because it’s easy, but the responsibility of government is to look after the consumer and the citizen. 

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